

Pig breeding & farming

29-30 / 09 / 2021 / Moscow

For the participant of the conference

List of participants
with contacts

Materials of the conference

Conference participant’s diploma

Lunch and coffee breaks

Detailed photo report

Live communication

Conference speakers

Пётр Чекмарев
Petr Chekmarev
Russian business leader and scientist in the field of agriculture and plant growing, soil scientist. Plenipotentiary Representative of the Chuvash Republic under the President of the Russian Federation - Member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic
Илья Владимирович Козырев
Kozyrev Ilya Vladimirovich
Research Scientist, Head of the Technology for Pre-slaughter Preparation, Primary Processing and Quality Evaluation of Raw Materials of the “Federal State Research Institute named after V.M. Gorbatov” of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Екатерина Лучкина
Ekaterina Luchkina
Executive Director of NP National Union of Meat Processors
Дмитрий Юрьевич Авельцов
Dmitry Aveltsov
Head of FSBI “Center of Agroanalytics” of Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation
Константин Александрович Корнеев
Korneyev Konstantin Alexandrovich
Executive Director, LLC “Rincon Management”.
Василий Иванович Комлацкий
Vasily Komlatsky
Head of the Department of Private Animal Science and Pig Breeding, FGBOU VO "Kuban State Agrarian University named after IT Trubilin", Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sciences, Professor of Higher Attestation Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Михаил Васильевич Сорокин
Марина Николаевна Долгая
Лариса Ильина
Larisa Ilyina
Head of molecular genetics laboratory, Phd in Biology, BIOTROF company
Ян ван Эйс
J.E. van Eys
Ph.D., GANS Inc. (Global Animal Nutrition Solutions Inc.), USSEC Consultant.
Сергей Михнюк
Sergey Mikhnyuk
National Feed Union, CEO
Роб Гудэгебюрэ
Rob Gudegebure
Head of Sales, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Agrifirm RUS and Nuscience Korm Ltd
Кобэ Ланну
Kobe Lannoo
Pig Products Manager, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Agrifirm RUS and Nuscience Korm Ltd
Алексей Эдуардович Японцев
Aleksey Yapontsev
Senior Technical Service Manager for Animal Feeding, Evonik Chemistry LLC
Леонид Илларионович Подобед
Leonid Podobed
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, consultant on fodder production and feeding of farm animals and poultry., Ukraine
Алексей Королев
Aleksey Korolev
Postgraduate student of the State Autonomous Okrug, General Director of MK-AgroTorg LLC
Иван Свинарёв
Ivan Svinarev
Professor, Department of Private Animal Science and Animal Feeding, Donskoy State Agrarian University.
Ольга Васильевна Костюнина
Olga Kostyunina
Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Selection, the L.K. Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry.
Екатерина Евгеньевна Мельникова
Любовь Владимировна Гетманцева
Lyubov Getmantseva
Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Foundations of Breeding, V.I. OK. Ernst
Инж. Райнхард Граф
Ing. Reinhard Graf
Head of IT Department, SUISSEPIGS Genetics GmbH

Conference program

29 September 29 September
First day
30 September 30 September
Second day


11:00 – 12:30


Pig market in Russia and the world

Guest speakers:


Petr Chekmarev, Chairman of the Agroindustrial Committee of the RF CCI, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Welcome speech to the participants of the International Forum "AGRO.PRO: Pig Breeding"


Ilya Kozyrev, Production Development Project Manager, Russian Meat Products Holding (RMP)

Topic: The modern pork consumer - who is he and what does he want?


Ekaterina Luchkina, Executive Director, Non-Profit Partnership “Self-Regulatory Organization“ National Union meat processors "

Topic: Meat processing as a consumer. Current issues of interaction



Dmitry Aveltsov, Head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Center of Agroanalytics" under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation


Konstantin Korneev, Executive Director of Rinkon Management LLC


Ilya Kozyrev, Production Development Project Manager, Russian Meat Products Holding (RMP)

12:30 – 13:30


13:30 – 16:00

SESSION № 2: Veterinary

Guest speakers:

Polina Lobova, Leading Researcher, Department of Expertise and Standardization of Medicines for Veterinary Use and Feed Additives, FSBI "VGNKI"

Topic: to be confirmed


Dmitry Biryuchenkov, Ph.D. D., Senior Researcher, Laboratory for the Prevention of Pigs and Cattle Diseases, FGBU ARRIAH

Topic: Infectious diseases of pigs, and their specific prevention


Vasily Komlatsky, Head of the Department of Private Animal Science and

pig breeding FSBEI HE "Kuban State Agrarian University named after IT Trubilin", Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sci., Professor of the Higher Attestation Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Topic: Perspectives of pig meat quality management in industrial production


Ivan Domoskanov, Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Veterinary Center

Topic: Epizootic situation with African swine fever in the territory of the Russian Federation for 2015-2021 (as of 09/20/2021)


Mikhail Sorokin, Ph.D. D., National Veterinary Manager, Zoetis

Topic: Basic principles of PRRS control


Marina Dolgaya, Independent expert, Ph.D. Sci., senior researcher, scientific consultant, author of scientific articles, monographs and patents

Topic: Pig malabsorption syndrome


Larisa Ilyina, Head of the Molecular Genetic Laboratory, Biotrof LLC

Topic: Metagenomic research - a modern look at the health and productivity of pigs

16:00 – 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 – 18:00

SESSION №3: Feeding. Part 1

Guest speakers:

Dr. Jan van Eys, Ph.D., founder of the American company Animal Nutrition

Global Solutions - GANS Inc.

Topic: The potential and importance of soy products in piglet gut health and overall performance



Sergey Mikhnyuk, Executive director of the National Fodder Union

Topic: Towards new horizons!


Yury Dotsenko, Head of Sales, Russia, Agrifirm RUS and Nuscience Korm Ltd

Rob Gudegebure, Head of Sales, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Agrifirm RUS and Nuscience Korm Ltd
Kobe Lannoo, Pig Products Manager, Doctor of Veterinary Science, Agrifirm RUS and Nuscience Korm Ltd Topic: Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) in modern animal husbandry



Alexey Yapontsev, Head of R&D for Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, Evonik Chemistry LLC

Topic: New solutions in operational quality control of feed raw materials



11:00 – 12:00

SESSION № 3: Feeding. Part 2

Guest speakers:


Leonid Podobed, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, consultant on fodder production and feeding of farm animals and poultry.

Topic: Modern policy of the formation of feed rations for pigs. Cost minimization is not always justified


Marina Dolgaya, Independent expert, Ph.D. Sci., senior researcher, scientific consultant, author of scientific articles, monographs and patents

Topic: Qualimetric approach to assessing the quality of feed


Aleksey Korolev, postgraduate student of the State Autonomous Okrug, General Director of MK-AgroTorg LLC

Topic: Reducing the level of pathogenic microflora in water and feed for pigs

12:00 – 12:30

Coffee break

12:30 – 14:00

SESSION №4: Genetics and Breeding

Guest speakers:


Ivan Svinaryov, Doctor of agricultural sciences Sciences, Advisor to the Rector's Office - Deputy Vice-Rector for Science of the RSAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva

Topic: Topical issues of selection and genetic work in pig breeding in the Russian Federation


Ing. Reinhard Graf, Head of IT Department, SUISSEPIGS Genetics GmbH

Topic: Software in the assessment of breeding values



Olga Kostyunina, Doctor of Biological Sciences head of the laboratory, molecular basis of selection, FGBNU FNTS VIZh named after OK. Ernst

Topic: Topical issues of molecular genetic research in pig breeding


Ekaterina Melnikova, Leading Researcher, Head of the Laboratory for Analysis and Modeling of Breeding Processes in animal husbandry, FGBNU FITS VIZH them. OK. Ernst

Topic: Evaluation of the efficiency of using genomic data in pig breeding based on the main traits. Prospects for genomic selection in Russia

Lyubov Getmantseva, Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Foundations of Breeding, V.I. OK. Ernst

Topic: Identification of genomic regions and genes associated with selectively valuable traits of pigs

14:00 – 15:00


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  • List of participants
  • Presentation
  • Business programme participation
  • Press kit
  • Photo report
  • Lunches and coffee breaks
  • Dinner for participants
  • Participant’s diploma
  • General partner
  • Golden partner
  • Silver partner
  • Registration sponsorship
  • Coffee break sponsorship
  • Report presentation
  • Personal workplace during the conference
  • Your advertising products (advertisement) distribution

Conference partners

Silver partner
Under support
Business programme partners
Media partners


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Breakfast included
“Borodino” business – hotel
Russia, Moscow, Rusakovskaya str. 13, str.5
+7 (495) 221-60-00
From 4500
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