Золотой партнер

VI International
Business Forum


26-27 / 05 / 2021 / Saint Petersburg

For the participant of the conference

List of participants

Speaker presentations

Participant diploma

Lunches and coffee breaks

Photo report

Dinner for conference participants

Conference speakers

Пётр Чекмарев
Petr Chekmarev
Russian business leader and scientist in the field of agriculture and plant growing, soil scientist. Plenipotentiary Representative of the Chuvash Republic under the President of the Russian Federation - Member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic
Дмитрий Рылько
Dmitry Rylko
General Director of IKAR
Дмитрий Юрьевич Авельцов
Dmitry Aveltsov
Head of FSBI “Center of Agroanalytics” of Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation
Владимир Жилин
Vladimir Zhilin
Head of the department for Analysis of raw materials and industry markets, Rusagromaslo
Сос Гургенович Казарян
Sos Kazaryan
Sales Director, Europack LLC
Алексей Эдуардович Японцев
Aleksey Yapontsev
Senior Technical Service Manager for Animal Feeding, Evonik Chemistry LLC
Григорий Валентинович Комник
Grigory Komnik
Director for Russia, India and Southeast Asia, Insta-Pro International
Виктория Маркина
Victoria Markina
Market Development Manager, Protein Plus LLC
Игорь Макаренко
Igor Makarenko
Managing Director of Solex
Брент Бабб
Brent Babb
Regional Director - Europe & Middle East/North Africa at the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC)
Брэндон Р. Випф
Brandon R. Wipf
Farmer from Huron, S.D., began serving on the American Soybean Association Board of Directors
Юрий Витальевич Косульников
Yuri Kosulnikov
Research Engineer, Laboratory of Symbiotic and Associative Rhizobacteria, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology
Щегольков Альберт
Albert Shchegolkov
Breeder of the SOKO Company, candidate of agricultural sciences. sciences
Култышева Елена Михайловна
Elena Kultysheva
Sales Director, FOSS Russia
Эмили Френч
Emily French
Founder and Head of the company Global Ag Protein, USA
Евгения Михайловна Фокина
Evgeniya Fokina
Leading Researcher, and. about. head lab. breeding and genetics of soybeans, FGBNU FNTS All-Russian Research Institute of Soybeans
Соловьев Дмитрий Александрович
Dmitry Soloviev
Rector of the Saratov State Agrarian University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Saratov State Agrarian University
Алексей Михайлович Чирков
Alexey Chirkov
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Executive Director of JSC FMRus
Михаил Геннадьевич Загоруйко
Mikhail Zagoruiko
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory for Processing and Storage of Plant Products, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FNATS VIM
Марина Евгеньевна Белышкина
Marina Belyshkina
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM"
Юлия Васильевна Ухатова
Yulia Ukhatova
Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Work, Federal Research Center All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilov "(VIR)
Леонид Илларионович Подобед
Leonid Podobed
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, consultant on fodder production and feeding of farm animals and poultry., Ukraine
Василий Иванович Комлацкий
Vasily Komlatsky
Head of the Department of Private Animal Science and Pig Breeding, FGBOU VO "Kuban State Agrarian University named after IT Trubilin", Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sciences, Professor of Higher Attestation Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Манаенков Владимир Васильевич
Vladimir Manaenkov
General Director, Association of Feed Producers, Eurasian Economic Union
Артём Пономарёв
Artyom Ponomarev
Co-founder of Greenwise, APAPP
Юлия Марсель
Yulia Marsel
Co-founders of Greenwise, APAPP
Фред Владимирович Ужицкий
Fred Uzhitskiy
Soymik - production and sale of soy products, St. Petersburg Soy Club
Виктория Насонова
Viktoria Nasonova
Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Head of Department, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov "RAS
д-р Миан Риаз
Dr. Mian N. Riaz
The Professorship in Food Diversity Food Science and Technology Dept. at Texas A&M University, USA. Head of Food and Feed Extrusion Program
Александр ЛИСИЦЫН
Alexander Lisitsyn
Ph.D, The Director of Russian Research Institute of Fats.

Conference program

26 May 26 May
First day
27 May 27 May
Second day

May 25 at 18:00 welcome to the participants of the business forum on the first floor of the hotel, in the lobby


Welcome coffee break. Registration of participants

10:50 -11:00

Greetings from organizers and partners:

Alexander Lisitsyn, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fats (VNIIZhirov)


Session 1: Statistics, analytics, soybean market prospects in Russia and the world

Guest speakers:

  • Petr Chekmarev, Russian business leader and scientist in the field of agriculture and plant growing, soil scientist. Plenipotentiary Representative of the Chuvash Republic under the President of the Russian Federation - Member of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic

Topic: State and Prospects of Soybean Production in Russia

  • Dmitry Rylko, General Director of IKAR

Topic: Soybean industry in Russia during the period of great upheavals

  • Dmitry Aveltsov, Head of FSBI “Center of Agroanalytics” of Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation

Topic: Soybean market in Russia: state and forecasts

  • Vladimir Zhilin, Head of the department for analysis of raw materials and industry markets, Rusagromaslo

Topic: The world market of oilseeds and oils, and its impact on soya development of soybeans in Russia

  • Anna Vladimirovna Usacheva, Logistics director , Europack LLC

Topic: Container agrologistics. Features of export in new conditions


Coffee break. Networking


Session 2: Modern technologies of soybean complexes

  • Guest speakers:
  • Alexey Yapontsev, Senior Technical Service Manager for Animal Feeding, Evonik Chemistry LLC, (ONLINE)

Topic: High-quality analytics of soy products - the key to low feed conversion

  • Grigory Komnik, Director for Russia, India and Southeast Asia, Insta-Pro International

Topic: Innovative and science based extrusion technologies Insta-Pro

  • Victoria Markina, Market Development Manager, Protein Plus LLC

Topic: Phospholipids - as promising nutraceuticals

  • Andrey Mandrea, Head of Renewable Resources Department, GEA

Topic: GEA Complete Soy Protein Isolate Solution

  • Igor Makarenko, Managing Director of Solex (ONLINE)

Topic: Conditioning soybeans for optimal processing





Session 1: Statistics, analytics, soybean market prospects in Russia and the world.  Part 2.  USSEC presenations

Guest speakers:

  • Emily French, Founder and Head of the company Global Ag Protein, USA (ONLINE)

Topic: Post-covid rollercoaster ride... buckle up

Bullet points:
  1. Global soy complex outlook
  2. China, China, China
  3. U.S. production outlook and its own "challenge" of its balance sheet
  4. Commodity inflation - transitory or longer-term
  • Brent Babb, Regional Director Europe & Middle East/ North Africa, U.S. Soybean Export Council (ONLINE)
    Topic: Soybeans from the USA - Solutions for the Global Market
  • Brandon R. Wipf, Farmer from Huron, S. Dakota, American Soybean Association, Director

Topic: A Farmer’s Perspective – Commitment to Quality Leads to Sustainability


Session 3. Part 1.: Breeding, seed production, growing soybeans . Part 1.

Guest speakers:

  • Yuri Kosulnikov, Research Engineer, Laboratory of Symbiotic and Associative Rhizobacteria, All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Microbiology

Topic: Increasing the efficiency of receiving pre-sowing inoculation of soybean seeds together with their treatment with chemical pesticides

  • Albert Schegolkov, Breeder of the SOKO Company, candidate of agricultural sciences. sciences

Topic: Prospects for the development of selection and seed production of soybeans. Non-transgenic soybean varieties - a competitive advantage of the Russian soybean breeding

  • Elena Kultysheva, Sales Director, FOSS Russia

Topic: A New Level of In-Line Digital Analysis of Soybean Quality


Coffee break. Networking


Business Panel: Soybean Market Leaders

Business interviews with invited companies


EFKO Group of Companies



Buffet. Networking


Welcome coffee break. Registration of participants


Session 3. Part 2: Selection, seed production, growing soybeans.

Guest speakers:

  • Evgeniya Fokina, Leading Researcher, acting head of laboratory of selection and genetics of soybeans, FGBNU FNTS All-Russian Research Institute of Soya (ONLINE)

Topic: Highly productive varieties of soybeans of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Soya

  • Dmitry Soloviev, Rector of the Saratov State Agrarian University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Saratov State Agrarian University

Zagoruiko Mikhail, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory for Processing and Storage of Plant Products, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FNATS VIM

Topic: Creation of an innovative robotic irrigation complex for soybean seed production based on the Agrobiotechnopark VIM-SSAU

  • Alexey Chirkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Executive Director of JSC FMRus

Topic: Growth in soybean production in Russia. Myth or Reality?

  • Marina Belyshkina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM

Topic: Changes in agro-climatic conditions and displacement of the northern border of soybean cultivation in the conditions of the Central Non-Black Earth Region

  • Yulia Ukhatova, Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Work, Federal Research Center All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N.I. Vavilov "(VIR)

Topic: Use of the world's identified soybean gene pool in modern biotechnological programs


Coffee break. Networking


Session 4: Livestock and feed production are the main consumers of soybeans and meal

Guest speakers:


  • Leonid Podobed, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, consultant on fodder production and feeding of farm animals and poultry, Ukraine (ONLINE)
    Topic: Prospects for improving the feeding value of soy products in poultry farming
  • Vasily Komlatsky, Head of the Department of Private Animal Science and Pig Breeding, FGBOU VO "Kuban State Agrarian University named after IT Trubilin", Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Higher Attestation Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Topic: Full fat soybeans in pig feeding

  • Vladimir Manaenkov, General Director of the Association of Feed Producers of the Eurasian Economic Union (AIC EAEU)

Topic: Prospects for soybeans in the feed industry

  • Nikolay Buryakov, Professor, Head of the Animal Feeding Department of the Russian State Agricultural University-Moscow Agricultural Academy K. A. Timiryazeva (ONLINE)

Topic: to be confirmed



Session 5: Use of soybeans in the production of vegetable analogues of meat and milk

Guest speakers:

  • Artyom Ponomarev and Yulia Marsel, Co-founders of Greenwise, APAPP

Topic: Soybeans in the production of vegetable analogue of meat, market and technology overview

  • Fred Uzhitsky, Soymik - production and sale of soy products, St. Petersburg Soy Club

Topic: Soybeans and other crops in the production of a vegetable analogue of milk, market and technology overview

  • Viktoria Nasonova, Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Head of Department, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov "RAS

Topic: to be confirmed

  • Mian N. Riaz, the Professorship in Food Diversity Food Science and Technology Dept. at Texas A&M University, USA. Head of Food and Feed Extrusion Program, USA.

Topic: Current market trends and technologies for the production of meat analogues and vegetable meat

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Conference partners

Gold partner
Coffee Break Sponsor
Business program partners
Information partners

Recommended place to stay

Single occupancy
The price includes breakfast and access to the pool, saunas and hammam
Hotel "New Peterhof"
Peterhof, St. Petersburg prospect, 34, Hotel "New Peterhof"
8 (812) 319 10 90 reservation@new-peterhof.com
From 5000
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