Regional Forum

pigs breeding

20 - 21.11.2019, Belgorod
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Спикеры конференции Conference Speakers
Василий Иванович Комлацкий
Василий Иванович Комлацкий
Vasily Komlatsky
заведующий кафедрой частной зоотехнии и свиноводства, заслуженный деятель науки Российской Федерации, доктор с.-х. наук, профессор ВАК, академик РАЕН
Head of the Department of Private Animal Science and Pig Breeding, FGBOU VO "Kuban State Agrarian University named after IT Trubilin", Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sciences, Professor of Higher Attestation Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Александр Гончаров
Александр Гончаров
Alexander Goncharov
Заместитель начальника департамента АПК и воспроизводства окружающей среды Белгородской области, начальник управления развития отраслей АПК
Deputy head of Belgorod Regional Agency for Agriculture and Environment recreation, head of Agency for Agriculture development
Любовь Савкина
Любовь Савкина
Liubov Savkina
Коммерческий директор информационно-аналитическое агентство «ИМИТ»
Commercial Director, Information and analytical agency EMEAT
Мадина Аспандиярова
Мадина Аспандиярова
Aspandiarova Madina Tursunovna
Заместитель генерального директора по научной работе ООО «АТЛ»
Deputy Chief Researcher, ATL
Леонид Гамко
Леонид Гамко
Leonid Gamko
Профессор кафедры кормления животных, частной зоотехнии и переработки продуктов животноводства, Брянский ГАУ
Professor, Department for Animal Feeding, Small Animal Science and By-product Processing, Bryansk State Agrarian University
Анастасия Анатольевна Талдыкина
Анастасия Анатольевна Талдыкина
Anastasia Taldykina
Научный консультант ООО "ТекноФид", аспирант кафедры инвазионной и инфекционной патологии факультета ветеринарной медицины БелГАУ им. Горина
Postgraduate Student of Chair for Invasion and Infectious Pathologies, Veterinary Department of Belgorod State Agrarian University, Science Advisor, Technofeed company
Кузьмин Роман Сергеевич
Кузьмин Роман Сергеевич
Roman Kuzmin
Директор по развитию региона, «ПроВет»
Head for Regional Development, ProVet company
Михаил Луговой
Михаил Луговой
Mikhail Lugovoy
Кандидат биологических наук, технолог кормового направления ЗАО «ПАРТНЕР-М»
Candidate of Biological Sciences, feed technician Partner-M
Леонид Илларионович Подобед
Леонид Илларионович Подобед
Leonid Podobed
доктор сельско-хозяйственных наук, профессор, консультант по вопросам кормопроизводства и кормления сельскохозяйственных животных и птицы.
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, consultant on fodder production and feeding of farm animals and poultry., Ukraine
Андрей Рыбаков
Андрей Рыбаков
Andrey Rybakov
Руководитель по развитию бизнеса отдела кормовых добавок компании Trouw Nutrition
Head of Business Development, Premix Department, Trouw Nutrition
Константин Борисенко
Константин Борисенко
Konstantin Borisenko
кандидат с.-х. наук, технический специалист IFF Danisco Animal Nutrition & Health
Technical Manager for CIS and Baltic Region, Dupont Animal Nutrition
Иван Архипов
Иван Архипов
Ivan Arkhipov
Заместитель директора по науке производственной научно-технологической компании «Фермент», старший научный сотрудник кафедры микробиологии Белорусского государственного университета, кандидат ветеринарных наук
Deputy research director of manufacturing science and technology company Ferment, senior researcher of microbiology department Belorussia State University, PhD, veterinary sciences.
Олег Верховский
Олег Верховский
Oleg Verkhovskiy
д. б. н., профессор, президент АНО «НИИ Диагностики и профилактики болезней человека и животных»
Doctor of Sciences, Biology, Professor, President of Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases
Машнин Александр Валентинович
Машнин Александр Валентинович
Alexander Mashnin
Руководитель проектов, к.в.н., региональный представитель компании, ООО «ЗИП-И»
Project Leader, Regional Representative, Zip – diagnostic
Антон Геннадьевич Южаков
Антон Геннадьевич Южаков
Anton Yuzhakov
К.б.н., ведущий специалист по диагностическим наборам ПЦР, АНО «НИИ Диагностики и профилактики болезней человека и животных»
Leading Specialist in PCR diagnostic sets, Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases
Владимир Алексеевич Гилев
Владимир Алексеевич Гилев
Vladimir Gilev
Ведущий специалист направления «Ветеринария», Qvadros Bio
Leading Expert of Veterinary Branch, Qvadros Bio
Сергей Раев
Сергей Раев
Sergey Raev
Ведущий специалист вирусологического отдела, кандидат ветеринарных наук, ООО "ВЕТБИОХИМ"
Senior Process Engineer of the Virology Department, VETBIOHIM LLC.
Радик Гареев
Радик Гареев
Radik Gareev
Представитель в странах СНГ и ЕАЭС, SUISSEPIGS Genetics
Representative in CIS and The Eurasian Economic Union, SUISSEPIGS Genetics
Эдуард Анатольевич Снегин
Эдуард Анатольевич Снегин
Eduard Snegin
Директор научно-исследовательского центра геномной селекции, НИУ Белгородский Государственный Университет
Head of Research Laboratory of Genomic Selection, Belgorod State Research University
Илья Юрьевич Зубцов
Илья Юрьевич Зубцов
Ilya Zubtsov
Технический консультант, PIC (ООО Генетика ПИК)
Technical Consultant, PIC
Ольга Васильевна Костюнина
Ольга Васильевна Костюнина
Olga Kostyunina
руководитель лаборатории, молекулярных основ селекции, ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВИЖ им. Л.К. Эрнста, д.б.н.
Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Selection, the L.K. Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry.
Виктория Насонова
Виктория Насонова
Viktoria Nasonova
К.т.н., руководитель технологического отдела, ФГБНУ "Федеральный научный центр пищевых систем им. В.М. Горбатова"
Ph.D., Leading Researcher, Head of Department, Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems named after V.M. Gorbatov "RAS
Светлана Юрьевна Концевая
Светлана Юрьевна Концевая
Svetlana Kontsevaya
Руководитель Центра инновационной ветеринарной медицины Белгородского ГАУ, д.в.н., профессор, Белгородский Государственный Аграрный Университет
Head of Innovative Veterinary Centre, Professor, Belgorod State Agrarian University
Кузнецов Алексей Сергеевич
Кузнецов Алексей Сергеевич
Alexey Kuznetsov
Научный сотрудник ВНИИФБиП – филиал ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВИЖ им.Л.К.Эрнста, председатель совета директоров ООО АЛТА
ALTA company
Мария Александровна Брылина
Мария Александровна Брылина
Maria Brylina
Руководитель отдела развития, «ПроВет»
Head of Development Department, ProVet company
Григорий Семенович Походня
Григорий Семенович Походня
Grigory Pohodnya
Профессор кафедры общей и частной зоотехнии, Белгородский Государственный Аграрный Университет
Professor of Small and General Animal Science Department, Belgorod State Agrarian University
Татьяна Юрьевна Чумакова
Татьяна Юрьевна Чумакова
Tatiana Chumakova
Директор по развитию на территории Центральной и Восточной Европы, Ro-Main
Sales Head for Russia and CIS Region, Ro-Main Inc.
Conference program
День 1 ( 20.11.2019 ) Wednesday Day 1 ( 20.11.2019 ) Wednesday

Registration of Participants


Session 1

Moderator: Vasily Komlatsky, Head of the Department of Private Zootechnics and Pig production, Kuban State Agriculture University,Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Higher Certification Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences


Speaker: Alexander Goncharov, Deputy Head of Belgorod Regional Agency for Agriculture and Environment Recreation, Head of Agency for Agriculture Development

Topic: Work Record of Pig Breeding Complexes of Belgorod Region for 2019 and Prospects


Speaker: Liubov Savkina, Commercial Director, EMEAT Information and Analytical Agency

Topic: Current issues of the international pig breeding industry


Speaker: Vasily Komlatsky, Head of the Department of Private Zootechnics and Pig production, Kuban State Agriculture University,Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Higher Certification Commission, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Topic: Problems and prospects of industrial pig production.


Speaker: Madina Aspandiarova, Deputy Chief Researcher, ATL

Topic: Importing Countries Safety Requirements According to the European Directives (Technical Regulations of the Customs Union) and Compliance Assurance Methods  

11.00- 11.20

Coffee break

11.20- 12.50

Session 2

Moderator: Roman Kuzmin, Head for Regional Development, ProVet company


Speaker: Leonid Gamko, Professor, Department for Animal Feeding, Small Animal Science and By-product Processing, Bryansk State Agrarian University

Topic: The Role of Detailed Feeding Rates In Store Pigs’ Productivity Increase


Speaker: Anastasia Taldykina, Postgraduate Student of Chair for Invasion and Infectious Pathologies, Veterinary Department of Belgorod State Agrarian University, Science Advisor, Technofeed company

Topic: Fermented Soy Concentrate SoykoLac as a Foundation for Successful Start Feed for Piglets


Speaker: Roman Kuzmin, Head for Regional Development, ProVet company

Topic: Increasing Piglets’ Livability and Pigs’ Productivity with Microenteral Feeding


Speaker: Mikhail Lugovoy, Ph.D, Feed Technician, Partner-M CJSC

Topic: Increasing Pigs Productive Qualities with Innovative Products


Speaker: Leonid Podobed, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head. the department of feeding, physiology of animal nutrition and feed production of the Institute of Animal Breeding of the NAAS of Ukraine

Topic: Animal Protein Products In Pig Feeding




Session 2 (2nd part)

Moderator: Sergey Raev, Senior Process Engineer of the Virology Department, Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases


Speaker: Alexey Korolev, Chief Executive, AgroTorg

Topic: Opportunistic Pathogens as an Implicit Threat


Speaker: Andrey Rybakov, Head of Business Development, Premix Department, Trouw Nutrition

Topic: Intestines Pathogenic Flora Control Program


Speaker: Konstantin Borisenko, Technical Manager for Russia and CIS, Dupont Animal Nutrition

Topic: Swine Intestines Health. Dupont’s Comprehensive Approach


Speaker: Ivan Arkhipov, Deputy Chief Researcher, Ferment Research and Technology company, Senior Researcher of Microbiology Department, Belorussia State University, PhD, veterinary sciences

Topic: Pigs’ Gastrointestinal Diseases Prevention with Fecord and Fitazim Enzyme Mixes


Coffee break


Session 3

Moderator: Oleg Verkhovskiy, Doctor of Sciences, Biology, Professor, President of Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases


Speaker: Oleg Verkhovskiy, Doctor of Sciences, Biology, Professor, President of Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases

Topic: Innovative Component in Animals’ Infectious Diseases Prevention Complex


Speaker: Alexander Mashnin, Project Leader, Regional Representative, Zip – diagnostic

Topic: Multiplex Analysis as Innovative Method of Instantaneous Detection of Multiple Antibodies to Different Infectants in the Same Slot


Speaker: Anton Yuzhakov, Leading Specialist in PCR diagnostic sets, Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases

Topic: Biological Characteristics of Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome Isolates in Russia


Speaker: Vladimir Gilev, Leading Expert of Veterinary Branch, Qvadros Bio

Topic: Lena: Catch Me If You Can! Comprehensive Solution for PRRS Diagnosis


Speaker: Sergey Raev, Senior Process Engineer of the Virology Department, Diagnostic and Prevention Research Institute for Human and Animal Diseases

Topic: Challenges in Porcine Circovirus Prevention


Cocktail party for the Forum’s participants

День 2 ( 21.11.2019 ) Thursday Day 2 ( 21.11.2019 ) Thursday
10.00 – 11.40

Session 4

Moderator: Radik Gareev, Representative in CIS and The Eurasian Economic Union, SUISSEPIGS Genetics


Speaker: Eduard Snegin, Head of Research Laboratory of Genomic Selection, Belgorod State Research University

Topic: Research and Development of Multiplex Panels for Pigs Genotyping for Productivity Increase in Animal Breeding Industry


Speaker: Ilya Zubtsov, Technical Consultant, PIC

Topic: PIC Genetic Program: Recent Updates


Speaker: Radik Gareev, Representative in CIS and The Eurasian Economic Union, SUISSEPIGS Genetics

Topic: Production Сost and Pork Quality Management


Speaker: Olga Kostyunina, Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Selection, the L.K. Ernst Federal Science Center for Animal Husbandry.

Topic: Molecular-Genetic Aspects of Duroc Pigs Productivity


Coffee break


Session 5

Moderator: Viktoria Nasonova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Technology Department, Gorbatov State Research Center for Food Systems


Speaker: Svetlana Kontsevaya, Head of Innovative Veterinary Centre, Professor, Belgorod State Agrarian University

Topic: Pig Cannibalism Problem and Possible Solutions


Speaker: Alexey Kuznetsov, ALTA company

Topic: Stress Syndrome Coping and Cannibalism Prevention for Breeding Efficiency Increasing. Lysozyme Application Capacities for Antibiotics Efficiency Increase or Antibiotics Replacement


Speaker: Maria Brylina, Head of Development Department, ProVet company

Topic: Increasing Pigs’ productivity and Pork Quality with the Natural Antioxidant Complex


Speaker: Viktoria Nasonova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Technology Department, Gorbatov State Research Center for Food Systems

Topic: Myopathy as a Destabilizing Factor of Pork Quality Formation

13.30 – 13.50

Coffee break


Session 6

Moderator: Grigory Pohodnya, Professor of Small and General Animal Science Department, Belgorod State Agrarian University


Speaker: Grigory Pohodnya, Professor of Small and General Animal Science Department, Belgorod State Agrarian University

Topic: Increasing Male Pigs’ Productivity


Speaker: Tatiana Chumakova, Sales Head for Russia and CIS Region, Ro-Main Inc.

Topic: Artificial Intelligence as a New Production Assistant


Speaker: Tatiana Malahova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Belgorod State Agrarian University

Тема: Increasing Female Pigs’ Productivity



*The organizers reserve the right to make changes and additions to any of the sessions in the program.

Варианты участия Participation options
Conference participation
  • List of conference participants with contacts
  • Presentations of speakers' reports
  • Participation in the scheduled meetings
  • Participant diploma
  • Lunch and coffee breaks
  • Participation in the banquet and gala dinner
Partnership opportunities
  • General partner of the conference
  • Gold partner of the conference
  • Silver partner of the conference
  • Registration sponsor
  • Coffee break sponsor
  • The presentation with lecture
  • Distribution of your promotional products
При поддержке Администрации Белгородской области Supported by Administration of Belgorod region
Спонсор кофе-брейка Coffee break sponsor
Партнёры деловой программы Business Program Partner
Экспоненты Exhibitors
Информационные партнеры Information partners