V International Conference


processing and aquaculture technologies

How was it last year?
Video about the conference and reviews of participants
For the participant of the Forum
List of participants with contacts
List of participants with contacts
Conference information materials
Conference information materials
Conference Participant Diploma
Conference Participant Diploma
Lunches and coffee breaks
Lunches and coffee breaks
Participation in the solemn banquet
Participation in the solemn banquet
Detailed photo and video reports
Detailed photo and video reports
Conference Speakers
Industry's key experts
Владимир Иванович Козлов
Vladimir Kozlov
Advisor of the The Main Basin Department for Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources (Central Department)
Валентин Балашов
Valentin Balashov
Chairman of the Board of the Interregional Association of the coastal fishermen of the North Basin.
Мазанов Владимир Михайлович
Vladimir Mazanov
Head of 'Quality Products and Logistics', Developer of Aquaculture Projects
Александр Леонидович Ершов
Alexander Ershov
Head of the 'Big Fish' Union
Михаил Юрьевич Синев
Mikhail Sinev
President of Refrigerating Roller Stock Operators Association
Георгий Черевко
Georgy Cherevko
Deputy Head of Aquaculture Department, Federal Agency for Fishery
Инна Гольфанд
Golfand Inna Yakovlevna
partner of the consulting company NEO Center JSC.
Оксана Юрьевна Вялова
Oksana Vyalova
Chief Researcher, Research Institute of Southern Seas Biology, Crimean Aquacultural Association
Борануков Мухарбий Хазраилевич
Muharbiy Boranukov
Executive Director, National Union of Insurance Underwriters
Гализин Сергей Николаевич
Sergey Galizin
Director General, Hermes Company
Константин Макаров
Konstantin Makarov
Leading sales manager. HACH Russia / CIS. Food and chemical production, laboratory equipment
Глушакова Наталья Анатольевна
Natalia Glushakova
Technical Director, VerumBio
Антон Алексеев
Anton Alekseev
Private Interpreneur, AqvaFerma
Василий Дубов
Vasiliy Dubov
Russian Federation Honored Worker of Fisheries, PhD, Researcher at the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Русанова Оксана Анатольевна
Oksana Rusanova
Head of Chanell France
Ипатова Анна Александровна
Anna Ipatova
Executive Director, Trend Laboratory
Любовь Абрамова
Lubov Abramova
Deputy Head of Department, Professor, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography
Аввакумова Ольга Вячеславовна
Olga Avvakumova
Deputy Head of Department, National Centre for Safety of Aquatic Fisheries Products and Aquaculture
Беляев Руслан Александрович
Ruslan Belyaev
Expert of Analytical Department, National Centre for Safety of Aquatic Fisheries Products and Aquaculture
Александр Неврединов
Aleksandr Nevredinov
The Head of the Eurasian Aquaculture Alliance, member of the Public Council of the Federal Fisheries Agency, a member of the working group of the Eurasian Economic Commission, Academician of the International Academy of Ecology and Vital Activity Security Sciences (United Nations) , Aquaculture Eurasian alliance
Иэн Шон
Iain Shone
Development Director, the Global Aquaculture Alliainshoneiance (GAA)
Елена Котова
Elena Kotova
Deputy promotion and marketing executive, biomedical department, Lumex company
Сергей Пономарев
Sergey Ponomarev
Chief of Laboratory for Sturgeon Breeding and Prospective Aquaculture Objects, Astrakhan State Technical University, Professor, Honoured Fishery Worker
Негодин Павел Александрович
Pavel Negodin
Production Engineer, Modus Granum
Дмитрий Аршавский
Dmitriy Arshavskiy
General Director of Biomar LLC
Виктор Дементьев
Victor Dementiev
Head Of Genetics And Selection Laboratory, PhD in Biological Studies, FSBSI Russian Research Institute Of Freshwater Fisheries.
Дмитрий Плащук
Dmitriy Plaschuk
General Manager, Aquaculture Selection Center
Анастасия Юрьевна Юнусова
Anastasia Yunusova
Qvadros Bio Expert
Павел Петрович Головин
Pavel Golovin
Chief Researcher, Deputy Head of Laboratory for Ichtyopathology, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography
Елена Моисеева
Elena Moiseeva
Founder of Fishlab Fishery School
Юхименко Людмила Николаевна
Ludmila Yuhimenko
Chief Researcher, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography
Александр Валерьевич Сорокин
Alexander Sorokin
State Federal Centre for Quality and standardization of Medical Products for Animals and Feeds
Preliminary program
1 день1 day
09:00 10:00

Registration of participants, welcome coffee


Opening of the Conference, greetings from authorities, partners and organizers

SESSION 1. Aquaculture as a Sustainable Business

Moderator: Vladimir Mazanov, Director of Quality Products & Logistic LLC

10:00 10:20

Speaker: Georgy Cherevko, Deputy Head of Aquaculture Department, Federal Agency for Fishery

Topic: Legal Support of Aquaculture. State Support of Farms

10:20 10:40

Speaker: Inna Golfand, Partner, NEO Centre Consulting

Topic: Prospects for Aquaculture in Russia: Risks and Opportunitites

10:40 11:00

Speaker: Oksana Vyalova, Chief Researcher, the Federal Research Center Institute of Southern Seas Biology

Topic: Crimea’s Mariculture: Legal Incentives and Development Forecasts


Speaker: Muharbiy Boranukov, Executive Director, National Union of Insurance Underwriters

Topic: Insurance for Trade Aquaculture Enterprises with Governmental Support

11:20 11:50

Speaker: Vladimir Mazanov, Director of Quality Products & Logistic LLC

Topic: Aquacultural Business in Russia: the Key to Success

12:00 12:20

Coffee break

SESSION 2. Advanced Technology of Aquaculture

Moderator: Sergey Galizin, Director General, Hermes Company

12:20 12:40

Speaker: Sergey Galizin, Director General, Hermes Company

Topic: Main Peculiarities of Work at the Start of Aquaculture Business

12:40 13:00

Speaker: Konstantin Makarov, Sales Development Manager, HACH Russia/ CIS

Topic: Measuring Hydrochemical Indicators in RAS Water Samples

13:00 13:20

Speaker: Natalia Glushakova, Technical Director, VerumBio

Topic: EIA and PCR Diagnostics of Virus and Bacterial Fish Diseases

13:20 13:40

Speaker: Anton Alekseev, Private Interpreneur, AqvaFerma

Topic: Farm RAS: Business Methodology

13:40 14:40

Lunch at Kutuzov restaurant

SESSION 2 (Continuation)

Moderator: Vladimir Mazanov, Director of Quality Products & Logistic LLC

14:40 15:00

Speaker: Vasiliy Dubov, Associate Professor of Aquaculture and Water Bioresources Faculty, Kuban State University, Honoured Fishery Worker of the Russian Federation

Topic: Redlip Mullet as a Polyculture Object in Pond Fishery

15:00 15:20

Speaker: Oksana Vyalova, Chief Researcher, the Federal Research Center Institute of Southern Seas Biology

Topic: Triploid and Diploid Forms of Cultivated Mussels in Black Sea Mariculture


Speaker: Oksana Rusanova, Head of Chanell France

Topic:  Trout Breeding: Synergy of Quality Criteria, French Experience

15:35 15:55

Speaker: Vladimir Mazanov, Director of Quality Products & Logistic LLC

Topic: Sea Urchin in Barents Sea. Subject for Capture or Commercial Breeding?

15:55 16:15

Speaker: Vladimir Kozlov, Advisor of the The Main Basin Department for Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources (Central Department)

Topic: Business Models of Integrated Break-Even Technology at the Fisheries


Coffee break

SESSION 3. From Producer to Consumer

Moderator: Anna Ipatova, Executive Director, Trend Laboratory


Speaker: Lubov Abramova, Deputy Head of Department, Professor, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography

Topic: Fish within the Framework of Technical Regulations: Recent Changes


Speakers: Olga Avvakumova, Deputy Head of Department, National Centre for Safety of Aquatic Fisheries Products and Aquaculture

Ruslan Belyaev, Expert of Analytical Department, National Centre for Safety of Aquatic Fisheries Products and Aquaculture

Topic: Veterinary Certification for Exported Fish Produce. Epizootic State in the Russian Federation, Viruses and Diseases

17:40 18:00

Speaker: Mikhail Sinev, President of Refrigerating Roller Stock Operators Association

Topic: Organizing Proper Logistics and Solving Fish Quality Problem


Speaker: Anna Ipatova, Executive Director, Trend Laboratory

Topic: Product Placement and Promotion for Fish Produce at the Russian market. Creating Added Value

18:30 20:00

Cocktail Party for Conference Participants

2 день2 day

Registration of participants, welcome coffee

SESSION 4. International Experience in Aquaculture Development

Moderator: Alexander Nevredinov, Head of the Aquaculture Commission of the Public Council at the Federal Agency for Fisheries, Eurasian Aquaculture Alliance

10:00 10:35

Speaker: Iain Shone, Development Director, the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA)

Topic: Aquaculture Certification. Expanding the Aquaculture Market


Speaker: Alexander Nevredinov, Head of the Aquaculture Commission of the Public Council at the Federal Agency for Fisheries, Eurasian Aquaculture Alliance

Topic: Eurasia’s Aquaculture. Prospects and Opportunities at the Global Market until 2030

10:50 11:10

Speaker: Elena Kotova, Deputy Head of Promotion and Marketing, Medical and Biological Department of Lumex Group of Companies

Topic: Instrumental and methodological solutions for the control of viral and bacterial diseases of fish, as well as safety and nutritional indicators of animal feed and animal feed

11:20 11:50

Coffee break

SESSION 5. Fish Feeds: Quality, Efficiency, Price

Moderator: Sergey Ponomarev, Chief of Laboratory for Sturgeon Breeding and Prospective Aquaculture Objects, Astrakhan State Technical University, Professor, Honoured Fishery Worker


Speaker: Sergey Ponomarev, Chief of Laboratory for Sturgeon Breeding and Prospective Aquaculture Objects, Astrakhan State Technical University, Professor, Honoured Fishery Worker

Topic: Modern Feeds for Precious Aquaculture Species: Problems and Solutions for Production Launch in Russia

12:10 12:25

Speaker: Pavel Negodin, Production Engineer, Modus Granum

Topic: Presentation of Manana FISH Fish Feed (Armenia)

12:25 12:50

Speaker: Dmitriy Arshavskiy, General Manager, Biomar

Topic: Fish Feeds: Quality, Efficiency, Price. In Search for the Balance


Lunch in Kutuzov Restaurant

SESSION 6. Stocking Material and Selection Issues

Moderator: Alexander Ershov, Head of the Big Fish Association

14:10 14:30

Speaker: Alexander Ershov, Head of the Big Fish Association

Topic: The Large-scale Introduction of F-1 Carp Hybrids in Pond Fish Farming is an Effective Way to Significantly Increase Aquaculture Production in Russia


Speaker: Viktor Dementiev, Head of Laboratory for Fish Genetics and Selection, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography

Topic: Estimation of Prospective Fish Crosses

14:45 15:05

Speaker: Dmitriy Plaschuk, General Manager, Aquaculture Selection Center

Topic: Economical Prospects of Small Incubators Use


Speaker: Anastasia Yunusova, Qvadros Bio Expert

Topic: Aquaculture Solution: from Genotyping and Disease Diagnostics to Genetic Material Storage


Coffee break

SESSION 7. Fish Health and Quality of Aquaculture Produce

Moderator: Pavel Golovin, Chief Researcher, Deputy Head of Laboratory for Ichtyopathology, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography

16:00 16:20

Speaker: Elena Moiseeva, Founder of Fishlab Fishery School

Topic: Unevident Solutions of Ichtyopathological Issues in Trout Breeding. Practical Cases


Speaker: Ludmila Yuhimenko, Chief Researcher, Laboratory for Ichtyopathology, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography

Тема: Ecologic Barrier to Fish Diseases

16:40 17:00

Speaker: Pavel Golovin, Chief Researcher, Deputy Head of Laboratory for Ichtyopathology, State Research Institute of Fresh water Fish Breeding and Oceanography

Topic: Application of Organic Colorants (Malachite Green and Purple K) in Aquaculture  


Speaker: Alexander Sorokin, Deputy Head of Department for Control of Resistant Organic Contaminants in Feeds and Food Stock, State Federal Centre for Quality and standardization of Medical Products for Animals and Feeds

Topic: Triphenylmethane Dyes. Ways of Control and Monitoring Results


Closing of the Conference. Closing Remarks, Discussion, adoption of Conference Resolution


A glass of champagne celebrating the closing of the Conference in Borodino Hotel foyer

*The organizers reserve the right to make changes and additions to any of the sessions in the program.

Recommended accommodation

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